Endangered Kashmir Stag A Glimpse Into The Last Of The Eurasian Red Deer

Endangered Kashmir Stag: A Glimpse into the Last of the Eurasian Red Deer

A Unique Subspecies on the Brink of Extinction

Deep within the forests of Kashmir, resides the last remaining subspecies of the Eurasian Red Deer—the Kashmir stag (Cervus hanglu hanglu), locally known as "Hangul." This majestic animal, once widespread throughout the Indian Subcontinent, now faces a perilous existence, teetering on the brink of extinction.

A Symbol of Kashmir's Wilderness

The Hangul is not merely an endangered species; it is a symbol of Kashmir's wild and pristine nature. Its presence in the region's forests has been documented for centuries, with ancient texts and cave paintings depicting its beauty and grace. The Hangul's distinctive appearance—with its large antlers and reddish-brown coat—has made it a beloved icon among the people of Kashmir.

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